Dr. S M Nazmul Alam
Sessional Academic
Curtin University
Dr. Md. Sazedul Hoque
Associate Professor
Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Ambassadors' Reports
Dr. S M Nazmul Alam:
As GHI Ambassador to Bangladesh, I have been disseminating information about GHI objectives and activities to colleagues, scientific peers, events, regulatory authorities, seafood industry association, and relevant stakeholders in Bangladesh to help harmonize standards and regulations.
I have been involved in GHI Working Groups on Regulatory Aspects of Reducing Postharvest Losses as well as communicating my research outcome related to seafood food safety and quality management at GHI sessions in International Conferences and Congresses and contribute to GHI books.

Dr. Md. Sazedul Hoqu:
- Share/disseminate the international food safety information to the national or regional level.
- Report/share the local food safety scenario in the GHI or other international platform.
- Dialogue with national policy maker for harmonization of international food safety laws and legislations.
- Translate International food safety documents to local languages. (recently made)
- Bangladesh is a highly dense populated developing country containing with limited food production and inadequate facilities for proper food handling, transportation, storage, safety aspect, quality control and risk analysis which is public health concern. Post-harvest handling, nutrition and health, chemical-physical and microbiological food hazard/contaminants, value-chain system, safety and quality aspect of food are public health concern in Bangladesh. Thus with GHI, I could contribute in publishing the book chapter magazine, journals or other related documents; Participate and share knowledge and information in ambassador’s meeting; Actively participate in different working group (WG) activities; Updating the food national/regional food safety laws and legislation.
Dr. S M Nazmul Alam:
I plan to include GHI slides in the 1st GHI World Congress: Food Safety and Security to be held during 24-28 March 2019 Leiden, Netherlands.
I am planning to present a paper relevant to seafood safety issues.
Title: The importance of global harmonization of regulations for shrimp.
Conference: 18th IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology.
Date and Venue: 21-25 August 2016 | Dublin, Ireland.
Title: Safeguarding Safety and quality in shrimp distribution channel.
Conference: 18th IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology.
Date and Venue: 21-25 August 2016 | Dublin, Ireland.
Title: Quality management in extensive shrimp (Penaeus monodon) farming.
Conference: 16th IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology.
Date and Venue: 05-09 August 2012 | Parana, Brazil.
Title: Quality assessment of farmed black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in supply chain: Microbiological evaluation.
Conference: 16th IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology.
Date and Venue: 05-09 August 2012 | Parana, Brazil.
Dr. Md. Sazedul Hoqu:
Title: Capacity Building Foresight workshop: “Enhancing Opportunities for Mobility in Aquaculture Education between south-east Asia and Europe.”
Conference: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme Project: 728030 EURASTiP ,
Date and Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17 – 20th November 2019
Dr. S M Nazmul Alam:
Alam, NA. Shrimp farm quality management in Bangladesh. Global Aquaculture Advocate | 2013 | 16 (2): 42 & 76
Alam, NA. (2016) Regulating Safety of Traditional and Ethnic Foods. Chapter: Safety in the shrimp supply chain. pp. 99-124. GHI, Elsevier & Academic Press | 2015 ; ISBN: 978-0-12-800605-4