Food Packaging Materials Working Group


Prof. MSc. Alejandro Ariosti


In industrialized and developing countries alike, almost all fresh and processed foods are delivered to consumers in some form of packaging in a wide variety of shapes, structures and materials. Food packaging has been defined as a service that displaces food consumption in time (related to shelf-life) and space (related to different markets).

In the same way that packaging contains, protects and advertises food, it also interacts with the product and the surrounding environment. One of the most important interactions, from a hygiene point-of-view, is migration of components (organic and inorganic substances of low molecular weight, heavy metals and other elements, etc.) from the packaging on or into the food. Thus, food packaging belongs to the wider category of food contact materials (FCMs).

Countries and regional blocks have different types of FCMs regulations, standards and recommendations, or none at all. As Codex Alimentarius does not address food packaging issues practically, regulations are diverse and based on different risk assessment strategies. In countries with emerging food packaging regulations, international references have been considered in developing the legislation. Lack of harmonization among these regulations might pose risks to human health, food hygiene, quality and fair international trade.

Topics & Objectives

The main objective of GHI WGs is to provide a space for members and other experts to collaborate with colleagues from academia, government, industry, etc. to build consensus. GHI WG Food Packaging Materials is seeking to achieve agreement on the scientific principles that should underpin regulatory decision-making for FCM including packaging. Such collaborations, between regulators and the scientific community, as well as society in general, is possible through publication of white papers and scientific opinions etc., which are independent. These are made available via GHI communication channels, including websites of associated organisations and scientific presentations.


Dates, times and locations to be announced.

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