Livestock Methane Reduction Working Group


Merideth Kelliher


The Livestock Methane Reduction Working Group’s mission is to enable policymakers to use evidence-based decision-making methods to adopt effective strategies to reduce methane emissions generated from livestock. Our work contributes towards the development of a harmonized assessment framework for sustainable and effective methane reduction regulations and legislation in livestock sector.


  1. Inform regulatory agencies on the needs of harmonized assessment criteria of methane reduction strategies that accommodates local and regional agricultural contexts.
  2. Propose specific policy guidelines for assessment of methane reduction strategies based on sound science.
  3. Develop industry specific regional guidelines to assist farmers reduce methane safely and efficiently within a sustainable perspective.

Project topics

  • Human health impacts of seaweed supplementation in cattle
  • Functional capacity of rumen to operate in low methane environment
  • Harmonized assessment of methane measurement in livestock
  • Harmonized assessment criteria for methane reduction strategies
  • Development of regulatory standardisation of additives and supplement testing
  • Social acceptability of livestock methane reduction strategies
  • Environmental impacts of livestock methane reduction strategies

Interested in joining this Working Group?

If you have suggestions or are interested in joining our efforts and contributing constructively to our Working Group, please contact the Working Group Chair or the Working Group Coordinator via email. Your request will be reviewed to ensure that your expertise is matched to this WG area of interest.

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