Prof. Dr. Hamid Ezzatpanah
Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology
Science and Research Branch-Islamic Azad University
Tehran, Iran
Dr. Simin Hagh Nazari
Assistant Professor
University of Zanjan
Iran signs MoU with Netherlands for food safety
20 Aug. 2018
Iran and the Netherlands have inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation within the framework of a food safety program. The MoU was signed between Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBUMS) and the Netherlands’ Wageningen University & Research. Two other MoUs will be signed in the field of scientific research and technology transfer to prevent food fraud. As per the MoU, a training course for food and drug control laboratories will be held at SBUMS in cooperation with Iran’s Food and Drug Administration (IFDA), and the Rikilt Institute of food safety affiliated to the Wageningen University to promote food standards throughout the country. The cooperation first started with co-running courses with participation of Wageningen university scientists, which is currently ongoing with joint research projects, student exchange and holding workshops.
دوشنبه 29 مرداد 1397 "ایران و هلند در زمینه ایمنی مواد غذایی با یکدیگر همکاری خواهند نمود"
این دو کشور در زمینه ایمنی مواد غذایی با امضائ تفاهم نامه بین دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی ایران و دانشگاه واگنینگن هلند با یکدیگر همکاری خواهند نمود. در آینده دو تفاهم نامه دیگر در زمینه انتقال تحقیقات علمی و فن آوری در خصوص جلوگیری از تقلبات مواد غذایی بین این دو کشور برقرار خواهد شد. در چارچوب تفاهم نامه حاضر آموزش همکاران آزمایشگاه های کنترل مواد غذایی و دارو در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی با همکاری سازمان غذا و داروی ایران از یک سو و انستیتو ایمنی مواد غذایی دانشگاه واگنینکن هلند (انستیتو ریکیلت) از سوی دیگر به منظور ارتقای استانداردهای مواد غذایی کشور صورت می گیرد. این همکاری با آموزش مشترک دوره های مربوطه و با همکاری دانشمندان دانشگاه واگنینگن، انجام پروژه های مشترک، تبادل دانشجویان و برقراری کارگاه های آموزشی آغاز خواهد شد.
Ambassador’s Report
Prof. Dr. Hamid Ezzatpanah:
As GHI Ambassador to Iran, I am actively taking part in the working groups of GHI, including the Mycotoxins WG, as well as attending GHI sessions in international congresses and conferences and giving lectures and presentations related to globl harmonization of food safety laws and regulations. I am working to introduce GHI activities in Iran in a number of ways, including:
- Giving lectures to food science and technology MSc and PhD students about the importance of global harmonization of food regulations.
- Introducing GHI activities to government officials, regulators (e.g., officers of Iran FDA and National Institute of Standards) and professional associations such as the Iranian Food Science and Technology Association.
- Inviting the president of GHI (Prof. Dr. h.c. Huub Lelieveld) to attend the 1st International and 24th National Food Science and Technology Congress, 18-20 October 2016, in Tehran, Iran.
Dr. Simin Hagh Nazari:
My goals are to:
- promote world food safety
- improve scientific food knowledge
- investigate novel technology for food processing
- travel to countries for presentation all aspects of scientific or practical food safety
Activities and Presentations
Prof. Dr. Hamid Ezzatpanah:
Ezzatpanah, H. and M. Sadeghi, (2007). International food trade and the regulations of food additives, contaminants and pesticides in developing countries. The Proceedings of Food Summit in China 2007 & 5th Annual Meeting of CIFST. 11-13 November. Hangzhou, China. (Invited speaker)
Ezzatpanah, H. and H. Abbasi, (2008). Food additives legislation in third world countries. The Proceedings of 14th World Congress of Food Science & Technology. 19-23 October. Shanghai, China. (Poster)
Ezzatpanah, H. and M. Jahadi, (2009). Contaminants as an important international trade barrier in developing countries. The Proceedings of EFFoST Annual Meeting – New Challenges in Food Preservation. 11-13 November. Budapest, Hungary. (Oral presentation)
Ezzatpanah, H. and M. Sadeghi, (2010). Chemical hazard identification in developing countries: pros and cons. The Proceedings of 15th World Congress of Food Science & Technology. 22-26 August. Cape Town, South Africa. (Oral presentation)
Ezzatpanah, H., and N. Azari, (2010). Mycotoxins regulations in food and feed: Focus on developing countries. The Proceedings of EFFoST Annual Meeting – Food and Health. 10-12 November. Dublin, Ireland. (Invited speaker)
Ezzatpanah, H., (2013). The impact of mycotoxins in animal feed on safety and suitability of dairy products. The Proceedings of the 4th MoniQA International Conference. 26 February - 1 March 2013, Budapest, Hungary. (Invited speaker)
Ezzatpanah, H., (2015). The worldwide mycotoxins regulations in cereals. The Proceedings of the 29th EFFoST International Conference. 10-12 November 2015. Athens, Greece. (Oral presentation)
Ezzatpanah, H., (2016). Mycotoxin regulations for cereals in North America, Europe and Oceania. The Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. 21-25 August 2016. Dublin, Ireland. (Invited speaker and session keynote)
Dr. Simin Hagh Nazari: