Prof., PhD Paola Pittia
Professor in Food Science and Technology
University of Teramo
Faculty of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment
Prof., PhD Marco Dalla Rosa
Professor of Food Technology
University of Bologna
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Ambassador’s Report
Prof. Paola Pittia:
My goal as the GHI Ambassador in Italy is to contribute to disseminate the philosophy of GHI to Italian stakeholders – scientists, educating, regulatory and control authorities, business and consumers, and to encourage their participation in the Initiative. Within GHI I am committed to collaborate on the development of ethical aspects of food practitioners, to evaluate the impact of food technologies in the implementation of safety and legal issues at national, EU and international level. As President of the ISEKI-Food Association, I will contribute in the implementation of joint GHI-ISEKI-Food Association educational and training initiatives and design joint initiatives, both in Italy and worldwide.
Prof. Marco Dalla Rosa:
I believe that the Global Harmonization Initiative could be an excellent tool to introduce at both scientific and industrial level a better comprehension of methodologies, instruments, technologies, ingredients and materials in modern food production looking towards safer food and packaging.
As GHI ambassador I will take care of dissemination of the GHI activities in local technical / scientific journals or magazines, eventually translating GHI documents in Italian language. If needed, I could possibly interact with food safety authorities as well as with food safety colleagues and professional Food Technologists at local and national level.
Including the organization of GHI in a conference context has been already done in the recent past (Foodinnova 2017) and it could be done again in the future, as well as to deliver original presentations in meetings and conferences under the GHI egis.

Title: Advancement in Food Technology as opportunity to increase food sustainability
Date: 02 October 2020
Event: Event III Forum del Gran SassoSessione 11: Agro-alimentare (Agri-food)Investire in ricerca per costruire e diffondere un nuovo approccio a una alimentazione sana Teramo, Italy
Download list of publications (2019-2021) by Prof. Marco Dalla Rosa (PDF)