Prof. Marco Antonio León Félix
Professor of Food Safety, Food technology, Food Microbiology, and Food Science
in CONAFRUT, UIA, UP and UNAM, Mexico.
Q.A. Esmeralda Paz Lemus
National President, SOMEICCA A.C.
Prof. Dr. Cecilia Eugenia Martínez Sánchez
Professor-Researcher, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry
National Technological Institute of Mexico/Technological Institute of Tuxtepec
Dr. Erasmo Herman y Lara
Professor at the Technological Institute of Tuxtepec
Ambassador’s Report
Prof. Marco Antonio León Félix:
Mission: To spread the GHI objectives and to influence the national, regional and international food laws based on sound science.
Vision: To be recognized as a key agent in our local, state, national and international communities, in food science-based communication to the food consumers to increase awareness in order to achieve a fair, safe, sustainable, holistic food chain.
Esmeralda Paz Lemus:
Diffusion in the different teaching activities of GHI goals in order to involve the students to participate actively in food science and research activities to enforce the knowledge of food safety and food science involved ind the food supply chain, conferences to Food Science and Engineering related students, Educational workshops with Food Consumers( specially children and young students, not forgetting elders), for spreading the Food Safety , Nutrition and Life-style culture, international spreading by what’s up of news related to Food safety and nutrition Topics, participation in national and international Food Laws forums, participation in the Codex Hygiene committee and contaminants in food, organizing and supporting Food Science Meetings, and supporting students to organize committees for spreading food science an nutrition activities as well as to get their social commitment with their local community.
Participation in GHI Training and Education working group in the developing of food handlers training materials.
Organization of the Annual International CUCCAL Congress in Mexico include GHI goals and diffusion.
2018: International Congress CUCCAL 11, Food Safety, Food Quality and Functionality in the Industry and Food Services. Aguascalientes, México.
Prof. Dr. Cecilia Eugenia Martínez Sánchez:
Inform students and professionals in Food Science, Engineering and Technology of the purposes and scope of GHI and reinforce their knowledge, skills and values, which respond to the trends and needs of the national and international agri-food sector, through the integration of teaching, research and dissemination through forums, congresses and educational workshops focusing on issues of Food Security, Nutrition and Food Safety.
To be a leading professional at local, national and international level in the training of professionals in the field of Food Science, Engineering and Technology that, with social responsibility, contribute to the innovation and competitiveness of the food sector, participating in working groups, for the training and knowledge of the scopes of GHI in all those involved in the food chain.
Dr. Erasmo Herman y Lara:
The GHI is very important because it allows me to focus with the local, municipal and state authorities the participation for a safer Mexico in the consumption of food, from the beginning of the food chain: from its sowing, harvesting, transportation, conservation and marketing with the consumer.
- Promote within the south-southeast region of Mexico the creation of laws in local congresses of deputies on food safety and nutrition regulations that promote a better diet for people in poor areas and with the minimum supply needs necessary for subsistence.
- Disseminate within the zone or region of influence information about the consumption of safe foods free of contaminants or preservatives that could cause damage to human health.
- Disseminate with farmers and agricultural associations the safe use of fertilizers that do not cause subsequent damage to human health such as the use of glyphosates. Generating safer agricultural products for internal marketing and possible export.
- Disseminate in conventions or congresses at the local, regional or national level the proper use of food, thereby avoiding losses and waste thereof. Avoiding with this a rational use of food and subsequent contamination by wasted food waste.

Prof. Marco Antonio León Félix:
Conferences to Food Science and Engineering related students, Educational workshops with Food Consumers (specially children and young students, not forgetting elders), TV and radio interviews for spreading correct information on Food Safety, Nutrition and Life-style culture, international spreading by what’s up of news related to Food Safety and Nutrition Topics, participation in national and international Food Laws forums, participation in the Codex Committees on Hygiene and on Contaminants in Food, organizing and supporting Food Science Meetings, and supporting students to organize committees for spreading food science an nutrition activities as well as to get their social commitment with their local community.
Publications: Food safety and technology bachelor’s and master degree thesis, approximately 50 papers in food magazines, papers in food science and technology journals, and guidelines for fruit and vegetable lab.
Prof. Dr. Cecilia Eugenia Martínez Sánchez:
Conferences, workshops and talks with students related to food science and engineering. Television and radio interviews to disseminate information on food safety, nutrition and lifestyle. Support students in organizing dissemination events on food sciences and activities focused on nutrition and social commitment to their communities.
To propose to the students the realization of thesis of Bachelor, Master and Doctorate that involve subjects related to food security and technology, publication of articles in indexed journals on subjects related to Food Security, Nutrition and/or Food Safety.
Esmeralda Paz Lemus:
2019 International Congress CUCCAL 12 Food Safety, Food Quality and Functionality in the Industry and Food Services. Mexico City, Mexico.
27-28 September 2019
Prof. Dr. Cecilia Eugenia Martínez Sánchez:
XXII Biochemical Engineering National Congress. XI Biochemical Engineering International Congress. XVIII Biomedicine and Molecular Biotechnology Scientific Meetings.
Huatulco, Oaxaca, México April 1-3, 2020