Prof. Dr. Folake Olayinka Henshaw
Federal University Of Agriculture,
Abeokuta, Nigeria
Ambassador’s Report
- Presentation of GHI goals and vision at Scientific and other relevant fora
- GHI membership drive to have network of Nigerian Scientists to push for Science-based Food Safety regulations
- Sharing of GHI publications and rendering in local languages
- Bring up food safety issues and regulations that need review based on most recent proven Science
- Network with the global community through GHI working groups
- Participate and contribute to activities that support points 1 to 5 listed above
Current and future activities:
- Coordinating Food Safety training programme in collaboration with the International Life sciences Institute/ University of Ghana Food Safety and Nutrition Training Centre ( https// ).
- Food safety education and communication to local food handlers and vendors through training workshops
- Plan is on to use radio to educate and communicate Food Safety issues and need for appropriate regulations
Activities and Presentations

Professor Henshaw seated 2nd from left with trainers and participants at a Food Safety training.

Professor Henshaw delivering a Lecture at the Food Safety training

Professor Henshaw seated 2nd from left at the font row with trainers and participants at a HACCP course.

Professor Henshaw presenting a certificate to a participant who successfully completed the training course.
To make presentation on GHI at the 42nd Conference of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST), 42nd NIFST CONFERENCE, 15-18 October, 2018. Venue: Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library, Oke Mosan, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.