Dr. Sangsuk Oh
GHI Board
Based in Republic of Korea
Dr. Sangsuk Oh, is an honorary professor of the Department of Food Science and Engineering at Ewha Woman’s University in the Republic of Korea. He received a B.A. from the Seoul National University and M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of California, USA. He was honoured by the Korean Food and Drug Administration for the ‘Efforts to implementation of food safety system in Korea’ and ‘Career achievement award’ from IUFoST and an academic award from the Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety. He co-founded the Korean Food Safety Institute and acted as the chair of the organisation. Dr. Oh has worked as an editor for the publication of several books related to food safety. As an IUFoST Fellow, he served as chair of IUFoST’s Food Chemistry Division. He has experience at US FDA as a Staff Fellow of the National Center for Food Science and Technology at Summit-Argo, IL. He also served as vice president of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology and the Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety. He was a member of many governmental committees related to food safety including the Prime Minister’s Food Safety committee. In addition, he has experience in the food industry where at the Shany Food Research and Development Center he was a director and has also acted as the head of the flight meal safety center for Korean Air.