Dr. Vish Prakash
GHI Board
Dr. Vish Prakash is currently Adjunct Professor at RUAS, Bangalore, India and Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India; Former Director of CFTRI, Mysore, India and Distinguished Scientist of CSIR, India. He has received many National and International awards including one of the high Civilian Awards Padmashree from Government of India; Coveted Bhatnagar Award for Science and Technology and several Lifetime Achievement Awards from various organizations in India and Abroad. Dr. Prakash’s Scientific Contribution in the area of Food Science, Food Technology, Chemistry and Biochemistry of Foods, Innovative Product Development, Food Biotechnology, Nutraceuticals and Food Safety and Nutrition is vast and in depth with new Innovations and Technologies resulting in 217 peer reviewed research publications, 55 Patents, nearly 50 Ph.D degrees (some are Masters) guided and author of 12 Books. His expertise and knowledge in Food Regulations, Food Safety, Food and Nutrition Security and Chemistry of Foods and Policy Matters of Food Regulations, Regionally and Globally with Science based approach is well known. His interface with global Organizations and Academia networking with R&D at the cutting edge of science puts him at the front end of Food Science and Technology and Policy with focus on Food Safety. He is Immediate past President of IUFoST and Immediate past Vice President of IUNS and Immediate Past Chair of India in EHEDG, EU. He is a Fellow of IFT, IUFoST / IAFoST , Royal society of Chemistry and a number of Academia in India and Abroad.