Welcome to GHI!
The Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) is the international non-profit network of individual scientists and scientific organizations working together to promote harmonization of global food safety regulations and legislation.
The activities performed and opinions voiced, by and on behalf of GHI, are always science-based. GHI is impartial and as such, all members and officers have agreed to comply with a set of key principles when representing GHI. These are shown in the GHI impartiality statement.
We engage and empower food scientists and experts in industry, government and academia to voice scientific consensus and make recommendations on food safety laws and regulations, globally. Our aim is to provide objective and fact-based advice that will help harmonize conflicting regulations and legal policies to:
- Eliminate trade barriers that masquerade as food safety protections
- Reduce the needless destruction of safe foods within and across international borders
- Promote the use of innovative food safety technologies around the globe
- Lessen the potential for foodborne illness and pandemic outbreaks

Food Laws and Regulations
As food legislation changes and updates periodically, this webpage compiles an inventory of existing food laws and regulations from around the world. This ever-growing list provides general information and links to international and national food legislation, aiming to cover all jurisdictions.

of GHI
If you agree with the values of GHI and its impartiality you are invited to apply for free membership of our global community of scientists. GHI membership provides you with the resources and opportunities to connect and collaborate with your scientific colleagues around the world.