Anwaar Ahmed, PhD
Associate Professor,
Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences,
PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi
Ambassador’s Report
GHI is a prestigious forum working globally to harmonize the food safety regulations and legislation and advocating the regulatory bodies. It is needed much more in Pakistan because here, each province has its own food safety regulations with a little bit of difference.
I am highlighting it in articles, seminars, conferences, and lectures to create awareness of its significance.
My ambition to join GHI is to translate relevant GHI documents in my local language (Urdu) and publish them in Newspapers and local magazines and harmonize the local standards with world food safety and religious standards and regulations.

Activities and Presentations
Conference: International Conference of Food Safety and Health 2019 | 26-28 November 2019 | Hotel National, Taichung City, Taichung, Taiwan |
Presentation: “Food Safety, Food Security and Regulation, Risk Evaluation, Nutrition, Phytochemistry, Cancer Prevention, and Precision Cancer Medicine”
- Nadeem M, FM Anjum, MR Khan, MA Shabbir, M Saeed, A Ahmed. 2015. Immunological appraisal of wheat varieties in relation to chapatti making characteristics. Food and Agricultural Immunology 26 (4): 538–557 - Mehmood, T., Ahmad, A., Ahmed, A., Ahmed, Z. 2017. Optimization of olive oil based O/W nanoemulsions prepared through ultrasonic homogenization: A Response surface methodology approach, Food Chemistry 229:790-796.
doi:10.1016/j.foodchem - Mehmood T., A. Ahmed, A. Ahmad, M.S. Ahmad, M.A. Sandhu. 2018. Optimization of mixed surfactants-based β-carotene nanoemulsions using response surface methodology: An ultrasonic homogenization approach. Food Chemistry 253:179-184.
doi: - Asim SM, A Ahmed, RM Amir, M Nadeem. 2018. Comprehensive identification and evaluation of selected wheat cultivars for their relationship to pan bread quality. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation - Amir RM, MA Randhawa, M Nadeem, A Ahmed, A Ahmad, MR Khan, MA Khan & R Kausar. 2019. Assessing and Reporting Household Chemicals as a Novel Tool to Mitigate Pesticide Residues in Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) Scientific Reports vol. 9, Article number: 1125 - Mehmood, T., Ahmed, A., Z. Ahmed, M. S. Ahmad. 2019. Optimization of soya lecithin and Tween 80 based novel vitamin D nanoemulsions prepared by ultrasonication using response surface methodology. Food Chemistry 289: 664-670