United Kingdom
Ambassador’s Report
Dr. Alaa Alaizoki:
My interest in the role of a UK ambassador for GHI stems from my passion for achieving safer and more sustainable food system. As the supply chain is becoming longer and more complex, food is increasingly exposed to emerging hazards that require more stringent regulations and standards as well as expert knowledge. Debates about addressing the increasing demand for food abundance and fighting hunger by introducing novel and sustainable sources of food while maintaining the food safety and protecting the environment and animal welfare is still a challenge of the current supply chain. Collaboration between different countries and stakeholders along all stages of the supply chain to achieve harmonised food safety and quality standards can mitigate these challenges and ensure resilience and sustainable supply chain with safer, healthier and abundant food.
As a UK ambassador for GHI, I will collaborate with other GHI members to disseminate risk assessments and scientific opinions relevant to food safety and novel food supply in addition to food regulations and standards that promote the technological innovation in food and contribute the sustainability of our food system and protection of consumers’ health.
I will promote GHI objectives and food safety knowledge through networking with different stakeholders and participate in its campaigns and events within the UK.

Dr. Alaa Alaizoki:
Publication 1:
- Title: Enhanced liquid retention capacity within plastic food packaging through modified capillary recesses
- Date: 2022
- Journal: Journal of Food Engineering
- Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2022.111010
Publication 2:
- Title: Improvement in liquid absorption of open‐cell polymeric foam by plasma treatment for food packaging applications
- Date: 2021
- Journal: Journal of Applied Polymer Science
- Link: https://doi.org/10.1002/app.52015
Publication 3:
- Title: Effect of plasma treatment on improving liquid retention capacity of capillary recesses for food packaging applications
- Date: 2021
- Journal: Journal of Food Packaging and Shelf Life
- Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fpsl.2021.100759
Publication 4:
- Title: The effect of low-temperature long-time ( LTLT ) cooking on survival of potentially pathogenic Clostridium perfringens in beef
- Date: 2020
- Journal: International Journal of Food Microbiology
- Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2020.108540
Dr. Alaa Alaizoki:
Presentation 1:
- Title: Plasma Treatment Application for Improving Liquid Retention in Plastic Food Packaging
- Date: 2023
- Event: IAFP European Symposium for Food Safety
- Location and Country: Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Link: https://www.foodprotection.org/upl/downloads/library/programme-book-2023...
Presentation 2:
- Title: Surface Modification of Open-Cell Polymeric Foam for Improved Liquid Uptake in Food Packaging
- Date: 2022
- Event: IOP PGS Printing for the Future Conference
- Location and Country: London, UK
- Link: https://pure.manchester.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/222504044/Abstract_B...
Presentation 3:
- Title: Plasma Surface Treatment for Enhancing Liquid Retention in Plastic Meat Packaging
- Date: 2021
- Event: Royal Society of Chemistry - Formulating Functional Films and Coatings IV
- Location and Country: Virtual
- Link: https://www.formulation.org.uk/fffc4-posters.html
Presentation 4:
- Title: Capillary Valving Phenomenon and Surface Treatment for Improved Liquid Retention in Food Packaging
- Date: 2021
- Event: 3rd Coatings and Interfaces Conference
- Location and Country: Virtual
- Link: https://cic2021.sciforum.net/#session1516